Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Down to Business

I've been busy lately... what's new, right?

On Sunday night I had a banquet for honors kids... it was our first meeting together as a group and we basically just established how some aspects of the program work. The program is split into four houses (not literal houses) that serve as a way to organize different parts of the program. I am in the Pike House, a group that focuses on Alumni relations and that kinda thing. So after the big group meeting, we split into our houses to elect House Presidents....

And I was elected.. somehow.

It made me really excited, and I am totally looking forward to getting involved... while I'm not quite aware  of all my responsibilities, I know that the Honors program at Augsburg is one of the things that the college is most proud of and I am happy to be a part of it... not only that, but they told me that this was the first time a freshman has been selected as a president of the pike house... :)

And then tonight, I had both a Barack Obama meeting at 7:30 where we planned a few things on campus, and then I had to go to a "First Year Experience" meeting at 9. The first year experience committee is made up of two representatives from each floor of the dorms on campus and serves as a way for students to voice their opinions on what they would like changed at Augsburg.. the committee was responsible for some renovations to dorms and also played a small role in changing the food provider at Augsburg this year. 

Tonight we voted for executive board positions, but I knew right away that I didn't want to spread myself too thin and become more exhausted... in fact, i spent most of my day sleeping because i only have one class on tuesdays... 

oh, and i still have my main goal of becoming one of the four student council members on campus...

oh, and i'm planning a floor 2 dance party this saturday....

everyone's invited  :)

1 comment:

  1. Surprised you got elected? Really Adam? Glad to hear you're getting involved and becoming more comfortable at school. Remember, Wednesday nights at 9pm are STLF meetings at the U if you've got time/interest. Not that I want to burden you with even more involvement:P
