Friday, September 26, 2008

Debate Time.

Oh, i love fridays.

3:30 every Friday is probably the best time of my week. At 3:30, it is officially the weekend for me. When my spanish class get's out, I feel free. The best thing is.... i dont have to worry about going home and doing chores, laundry, the dishes, babysitting, and all that jazz.... i can go in my room and take a nap... or watch some tv... or go to the Mall of America.

That is until Sunday night when I remember how much homework I have to do.

I also had a meeting for all Film Majors today... I found it very interesting... It's kind of weird to hear of all the movies that my proffessors and the uperclassmen enjoy. It's interesting to hear why "Transformers was the worst movie I have ever seen" and why the only time my proffessor walked out of a theater was doing the new King Kong movie... I definitely think I'll learn a lot.

And tonight's agenda:

Watch the debate at 8. I'm really looking forward to it. There are a couple spots on campus that are set up for "debate watching parties", and the entire financial crisis makes things even more intersting. I am glad that the debate did not get cancelled. I strongly believe that tonight's debate is an important event that does not need to get pushed back.....Most people here at Augsburg take politics pretty seriously.... It's pretty cool.

And then after that... I don't know what I'm going to do....

Not homework, that's for sure.

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