Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Meet the Parents

I woke up at 8 in the morning on Sunday... Tragic, I know.

And it was all because I am a nice boyfriend and decided to go with Katie to her relatives house for their early Thanksgiving... which happened to be all the way in Moorehead.

I guess it was a good thing though. I got about 100 pages of reading done for Scholar Citizen.. which was very good. I probably would have waited until 10 o'clock that night to do the readings if I didn't have the car ride to do it. I even got a little bit of a nap in there. So it was all good.

And then, the moment finally came for me to met Katie's family. I already had met her mom before, so I wasn't really worried about that. Maybe just slightly nervous about making a good impression to her grandma and her other relatives... So I was expecting a nice little get together, some small chatting over lunch, watching the football game in the living room, etc...

That was until Katie's aunt gathered the entire family up in the kitchen and Katie had to formally introduce me to everyone. Here I am, in the middle of the kitchen, surrounded by her entire family as they stare at me and measure me up... I felt like I was being judged. I felt like a dog at a dog show... Yes, that's the best comparison I could think of...Yes, I am slightly exaggerating... but yes, it was still a slightly terrifying experience...

After an excellent home-cooked meal that I had been looking forward to all week, it was time to watch the Vikings game. During the entire meal and the chit-chat that happened afterwards, I had been thinking about that game... I was cringing over the fact that I did not know the score (how could there not have been a single vikings fan in her entire family?!?). Luckily, perhaps by chance, one of her uncles turned on the TV, exclaimed "OH.. the Vikings game..." and I was relieved...

That was until we fumbled a kick return that basically lost us the game....

And then the Bucs missed a field goal that would have gaurenteed them a victory....

And then we failed miserably at our last-ditch efforts to make a drive down the field. And we lost... of course.

I wanted to scream... I wanted to cry....

But then that wouldn't have looked very good in front of her relatives.

So instead, i decided to bottle up all my emotions no matter how painful that might be....

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