Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Things I like.
I am obsessed with the Mason Jennings station. That is all I have been listening to lately. It blows my mind how awesome is.

Taco Bell
Until I came to college, I had taco bell once in my life (and it was a bad experience because I can't stand guacamole and it was all over whatever-it-was-that-i-ordered. Unknowingly, i took a huge bite...eww.) That was until I came to Augsburg and fell in love with crunch-wrap supremes. wow. my mouth is watering right now. recently however, i have had to make budget cuts thanks to the economy (and my growing waistline) so i am limiting myself to one tacobell visit a month. (which unofficially becomes taco bell day, a great celebration). (ps i cant believe i just wrote that much about taco bell).

Free entertainment. 'Nuff said. (the lightrail or Mall of America are my favorite spots for this... I swear Katie and I could people watch for hours)

I thank the heavens that my roommate bought a freezer. Over winter break, Katie introduced me to Ben and Jerrys (my mommy always ordered ice-cream from the Schwanns man, which is delicous) and it is awesome (Cherry Garcia, woot woot!). BUT, for some reason the cafeteria no longer puts out ice-cream during ANY meals. WHAT THE HECK? (Budget cuts--see "taco bell" above-- have lessened my ice cream consumption yet led to the frustration of not getting free ice cream any more).

The Godfather Trilogy (but the Godfather book is better)
Francis Ford Copolla is bomb. It is my aspiration to become a consigliere. I'm actually thinking about dropping out of school, moving to New York and begging the first mob family i see to let me do it.
the movie "Raging Bull" for 20 bucks at FYE? somewhat tempting.... the same movie bought used at near mint condition from for only 7 dollars. Yes sir.

Kurt Warner
I was hesitant about you at first, old man, but you won me over. I think that you are a genuinely nice man and you deserved to win another SuperBowl. Unfortunately, the Steelers made a few amazing plays and you lost. Damn...

When Nathaniel Takes Out the Garbage
There had been a box of 17 empty pop cans, various plastics, an old dirty rotten molding salsa jar, and some nasty smelly soup cans laying in a corner of my room. I was counting down the days until my roommate would finally take these things out to be recycled, considering 100% of the things in there belonged to him. Three weeks later: Thank you Nathaniel, and congratulations.

The Movie Theater in the Mall of America
Five dollar movies on weekdays? Why did I not know that before?!?!?!?

But not naps. New Years resolution: don't take as many naps. Therefore, I have a greater appreciation of actually real sleeping and it is awesome. I also switched down to the bottom bunk this semester (taking turns is good) and it is wayyy better. I can not put it into words how awesome this is.


  1. The Taco Bell rant made me laugh.
    Also, I'm pretty sure, but not totally, that the theater at Block E also has student rates on weekdays, FYI.

  2. I didn't discover taco bell until sophomore year.. it is indeed amazing. Something that is completely underrated in St. Cloud. I too love crunch wrap supremes!

  3. Pandora! Yes. I like putting on "Green Day Radio" and rocking out to all the angsty punk rock that I remember listening to on the bus in elementary school... but never really understood. And Ben and Jerry's? nearly $5 a pop, but so worth it. My phone company gives me coupons sometimes. I think my favorite is... Chunky Monkey... or Pistachio... or maybe Magic Brownies... Oh dear.
