Thursday, February 19, 2009

It's not personal... It's just business.

So I walked around Christensen this morning talking to people, bought a coffee, walked all the way to my marketing class, etc.... then guess what?

I realized that I had my sweatshirt on backwards the entire time.

It was fashion statement... I guess.

So last Thursday night, I studied for about three hours in the honors suite, interrupted by only one break to watch the new episode of the Office... I studied a lot for this Marketing Test, mostly because I assumed it was going to be really really hard. My teacher, who does not teach us much anyway, scared most of my class into thinking that it was going to be the hardest test ever.

So 40 minutes later, I'm done with it, out the door, and thinking that I most likely got every single question right. One of the easiest tests I've ever had, I can't even believe I studied as hard as I did.... Most of it was common sense.

So I got to lunch a little bit early, and therefore, Eli and Andy (my regular lunch buddies) were nowhere to be seen.

I decided to sit with my film professor, Mr. Cowgill. He asked me why I looked so bored, I told him that I was just somewhat pissed that I studied so hard for the easiest test of my life.

And then he basically asked me why the hell I am taking Marketing. I completely saw this coming from him.

And I guess I wanted to hear it.

So far, my business classes have kind of been a waste of time. Micro is kind of hard and I like it, but I'm still a little weary. Cowgill basically told me the same thing and said that I would learn more from taking other classes. He said that sociology, political science, history, or english would all be much more beneficial for me....

And the funny thing is, I have been thinking this the entire time, I guess I just needed someone to tell me that....

We'll see what happens.

1 comment:

  1. If you really like business, I wouldn't count it out because the classes are easy (because I totally agree with you: they are mostly common sense things that people with half a brain would have figured to do anyway). If nothing else, you can combine business with something a little more...personal, like political science, or film of course. :)
