Monday, February 23, 2009


Scholarship Weekend is over.


It wasn't bad at all. I feel like I need to do much more for the Augsburg Community because I am in so much debt to the amount of money they have given me as a result of attending Scholarship Weekend last year.

And so Saturday night, via a 7 hour meeting, I did what I could to pay my dues. That's right, it took us 7 hours to evaluate the students that attended this weekend. However, I had a lot of fun. We hope to be adding a lot of GREAT leaders to the Honors program and I am excited for next year. The competition this year was stellar; I couldn't believe it.

It was also really interesting to see some of the professors outside of the school-setting... I even heard an F bomb or two. And a few interesting comments from Groven regarding pedophilia. It was a good time. And we were fed excellent food. And I had about three cans of pop and 100 hershey kisses.

So yes, I needed to go dancing at First Ave that night... It was a great time...which resulted in me determining that the coolest kids in Minneapolis are at First Ave every saturday night.

For reals.


  1. Hey Adam! I have been experiencing similar feelings of, "Damn... I don't deserve this... what have I done to give back?" especially after seeing all those hopeful kids, and hearing the talks about the honors program. I wish I could live up to it more you know?

  2. This is in response to the post and to Lily's comment:
    How did your class get to be so optimistic? My class is a bunch of downers, and we like it that way for some reason. lol.
