Monday, February 9, 2009

Lazy Sunday

It took me about two days to fully recover from Saturday night.

I probably did not fall asleep Saturday night until about 5 AM for some odd reason... you can imagine that Sunday was spent doing pretty much nothing.

Every Monday/Wednesday/Friday i wake up for my 9:10 Microeconomics class and cry. For some reason it is so hard for me to get up (and yes, i know that it is not even that early... i do not know what is wrong with me... i don't go to bed that late...). Every day I contemplate skipping that class.

I have only skipped class once this semester (i skipped micro) and i fell behind pretty easily... it was a mistake. I won't do that again.

However, after Marketing class today, I feel like I could skip that class every day and be fine. It is kind of sad. I actually left class very frustrated and upset today. I have a marketing test next Friday, and I do not feel like i have learned a single thing!!!! GRRRRR!!!!

On other notes....

If Zack Snyder does it right, there is absolutely no reason why the Watchmen movie should not be nominated for best picture next year. ABSOLUTELY no reason. This movie is a filmmaker's dream. The entire story is basically perfect. If I were Snyder and this movie disappointed comic book fans, i would probably fear for my life. I can't wait to see this movie. So far the previews make it look average... I hope to be amazed.

I love the band "Iron and Wine"

Remember those two jumbo sized pizzas bryon and I ordered and obviously didnt finish? The bag full of pizza is mysteriously missing from my fridge... Nathaniel?

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