Saturday, December 6, 2008

Down with the sickness

I am sick. It is the worst possible timing. Ever.

So yesterday Katie went with me to Target. (We no longer go to the Target on Lake Street... We found that going to the Downtown Target, although a longer trip, proves to much more of an adventure). I had two things I needed to get: cough drops and a box of tissues (what is the plural form of kleenex?). So we went there, avoiding all temptation known as subway/chipotle, and she found all the things she needed.

P.S. Macy's was an adventure all in itself... First, it took a long time to find the girls bathroom for katie, and while i was waiting for her, I met a person in line wearing a St. Martin sweatshirt... for those of you who dont know (basically all of you), St. martin is the teeniest tiniest town next to my home town... basically, population barely 300 people... It was extremely random and made me laugh. Also, while i was waiting for her, i found a blouse thingy that was supossed to be worn over a dress.. guess how much it cost? yup, $2,450... crazy.

And then on our way back, I realized that i forgot to buy my tissues. i think if i blow my nose one more time with the toilet paper from the bathroom, either: 1) my nose will fall off, or 2) my nose will bleed profusely and i will die.

Luckilly, Katie has been taking care of me, making me sleep, and force-feeding me tea.

Unfortunately, I have a lot to do today... aka film a movie, work on a powerpoint presentation.


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