Friday, August 29, 2008

The Sun Also Rises

Sorry for my blogging absence... I've been extremely busy the last couple days:

First of all, I received kinda bad news on Wednesday... I woke up to find out that a good friend from my high school, Lindsay, who was going to go to Augsburg with me, transferred. Yup, a whole 4 days before we were supposed to move in, she decided that she was going to transfer to Mankato. I guess it just felt right to her, and I completely understand... But I was really looking forward to hanging out together... oh, and she was also my ride home from the cities....

But, on the plus side, I finally got texting for my phone. I had felt that I was the last remaining person on earth to not have it... and as much as I hate spending all that money for something that seems so useless, I had to give in and beg my parents for it. My argument: "In order for me to grow socially at Augsburg College, I need texting..." Or something along those lines... Either way, it worked, and I will probably have to repay my mom back each month... which stinks.

I've also spent two of the last three days shopping... I used to like shopping....

I now hate shopping.

I've never spent so much time looking for things to spend money on. It's exhausting and I still don't have everything that I need for the big move-in....

...Which is tomorrow. (or today, technically, because it's 12:51 in the morning). I finally have most of my stuff packed. Just in case, I'm getting up at 7:45 in the morning.

And packing is just as depressing as spending all that money. Not only am I putting all my belongings into boxes, but my mom is making me clean my entire room out so they can move my sister in. It looks so bare. And sad. And I just realized that I am spending my last night in my bedroom....


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