Thursday, April 2, 2009

Liberating Letters Trial

I'm sitting in my Liberating Letters class as I type....

I am on the Defense defending the Devil... The charge:

"In this honorable court of letters, the Hesser House Firm charges the rebellious falling angel Lucifer (i.e. Satan, the Devil, etc.) for taking and corrupting the soul of Dorian Gray"

Which I personally think is ridiculous... I will explain later.

Phillip Kaup, one of the people kind of in charge of the Honors program, is playing Dorian Gray... And he keeps making references to his beauty, whoring himself around, etc...

It is quite funny. Even yesterday he was making sexual advances to some people in the class while two women stood next to him and fed him grapes at the witness stand.

I'll let you know what happens.

1 comment:

  1. ROFLMAO @ Liberating Letters.
    I agree with you about the WTF charges.
